Tilda Publishing

1. General conditions

1.1. This Policy defines the procedure for the processing and protection of the Getloyal information about individuals ("Users"), which can be obtained Getloyal when the User is using services offered through the site, services, services, utilities, Getloyal (hereinafter - Application Services).

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure adequate protection of information about Users, including their personal data from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations associated with the collection, storage, dissemination and protection of information provided by the User shall be governed by this Policy, other official documents of Getloyal and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. By registering on the Website and using the Website and the Services, the User agrees to the terms of this Policy.

1.5. In case the User disagrees with the terms of this Policy use of the Site and/or any Services available via the Website must be terminated immediately.

2. The purpose of the collection, processing and storage of information provided by Website users

2.1. The processing of personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Mobio processes personal data of the User in order:

- identify the parties in the framework of agreements and contracts with Getloyal;

- provide the User with services, including, in order of receipt by the User of the advertisement;

- checking, research, and analysis of such data, allowing to maintain and improve the services and sections of the application, as well as to develop new services and sections of the application.

- carrying out statistical and other studies based on anonymized data.

3. Handling of personal information provided by the User and its transfer to third parties

3.1. Getloyal takes all necessary measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction.

3.2. Getloyal provides access to user's personal data only to those employees, contractors and affiliated entities for whom such information is necessary to ensure the functioning of the Website, Services and the provision of Services to the User.

3.3. Getloyal may use user-provided information, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with current legislation of the Russian Federation (including the prevention and/or suppression of illicit and/or illegal actions of Users). Disclosure of User information may be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases provided for by legislation of the Russian Federation cases.

4. Terms of use of Applications, Services

4.1. The user when using the Site, confirms that:

has all the necessary rights, allowing him to register (create an account) and use of the website Services;

specifies accurate information about yourself in the volumes necessary for using the Services required fields for the further Services of the site marked in a special way, all other information is provided by the user at its own discretion.

aware that the information on the Website, posted by the User itself, can made available for third parties not covered by this Policy and may be copied and distributed by them;

familiar with this Policy, agrees with her and assumes the rights and obligations. Familiarization with the terms of this Policy and putting a check mark under reference to this Policy is a written consent to the collection, storage, processing and transfer to third parties of personal data provided by the User.

4.2. Getloyal does not check the validity of the obtained (collect) information about Users except when such inspection is necessary for the performance of obligations to the user.

5. In the framework of this Policy, "personal information" refers to:

5.1. Data provided by the User when using the Application, the Services, including but not limited to: name, surname, gender, mobile phone number and/or email address, marital status, birth date, hometown, family ties, home address, information about education, about the kind of activities.

5.2. Data is automatically transmitted to the Service in the course of their application that is installed on the user's device software, including IMIE - phone (or another program, which allows access to Services), time of access, url of the requested page.

5.3 Other information about the User, collection and/or provision of which is determined by the regulations of individual Services Getloyal

6. Changing and deleting personal data

6.1. The user may at any time change (add, update) provided personal information or its part, as well as the parameters of its privacy, using the edit function of personal data in the section, or in the personal section of the appropriate Service.

6.2. The user can also delete given them under a specified account's personal information. With the removal of the account may result in the inability to use certain Services.

7. Changes to this privacy Policy. Applicable law

7.1. Mobio has the right to make changes to this privacy Policy. When changes in the current edition date of the last update. The revised Policy is effective from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the amended Policy. The current version is always available on the page at address http://account.inforino.ru/rules.

7.2. This Policy and the relationship between the User and Getloyal arising from the application of the privacy Policy, is subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

8. Feedback. Questions and suggestions

8.1. All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported to the helpdesk Getloyal

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