Panoramik Inc. — gamedev studio, founded in 2005 году in St.Petesburg and working on the creation of high-quality multi-platform games. The hits as Forge of Gods and Mighty Party: Heroes Clash are played by millions of people around the world.
Retargeting empowers to return passive users, to activate new ones and increase ROAS.

Retargeting campaigns in the field of gaming usually pursue the two main goals:
1) increase in purchases by active players; 2) activation of asleep users;
Our colleagues from Panoramik targeted to re-engage as many active and asleep players throughout the world as possible - mainly Android users. We launched a campaign for Mighty Party, tactical online RPG game, presented on all popular platforms: Google Play Store, App Store, Steam, Facebook Canvas.
1. Integration with mobile tracker

First of all we set up the proper events' transfer from mobile tracker Appsflyer. Furthermore, we made sure that deep links are correctly configured in the application, and are correctly recorded by the tracker.
2.User Segmentation

We have built a marketing funnel and allocated the following user segments:
— Payed during the last 30 days;
— Haven't pad during the last 90 days, bud paid before;
We asked the client to send us the identifiers of the asleep users in the csv format. This helped to test some of the hypotheses and shorten the testing time.
— Other segments;
Return users who passed the tutorial; who have reached a certain level; who checked to the store, but did not buy anything.
3. Tests: GEO, Traffic sources, Creative ads

At this stage we have analyzed in which countries the most active players are located. We concentrated on the selected group. Based on the received data, we also selected traffic sources for the launch.

  • The majority of users play in Mighty Party game in Russia and the CIS countries, so we decided to test MyTarget, Yandex.Direct traffic source and our own DSP.
  • In order to cover users not only from Russia, we also used our DSP and Snapchat. We tested creatives in the format of standard banners, native banners, gif and video banners. Here are some examples below:
4. Optimization
After tests we determined the mutually beneficial terms that solved the client's marketing tasks in the best way.

The first tests were launched in May 2018. Still nowadays our campaign shows the excellent results. On average, the campaign paid off in a few days, as ROAS of the first 7 days was 325%, and for the whole month it reached 775% (after tracker commission and Google Play store repayment). The average income from each paying player has increased by 20%.

Ten E
Marketing Lead
As soon as we ported the game to mobile platforms, we were highly interested in user retention.
We were looking for a partner in retargeting and opted for Getloyal. The team has proven themselves as experts in the field of gaming with large background and expertise. Getloyal professionally builds segmentation and accurately launches the advertising campaigns. Retargeting campaign is successful to us.
CONTACTS / Let's work together
Medinat ha-Yehudim St 62,
Hertsliya, Israel