FOR OZON is the online store with multi-million customer audience in mobile applications for iOS and Android. The both desktop and mobile versions provide 4 million positions in 18 categories.
Use mobile retargeting to increase the frequency of orders via OZON app. Motivate users to make their first order.
We ideintified target user audiencies and developed strategies to return them to the app:
Installed the app but haven't made a single order
Motivate users to make their first order by showing current offers and discounts
Placed items to the cart but didn't order
Take them back to the cart to complete the order
First order was within the last 30 days
Encourage to buy other product categories
Last order was more than 30 days ago
Encourage to order again by using different approaches and creating a consumption habit
Order on a regular basis
Increase frequency of orders by reminding them of what's available and developing a habit
We used our own optimization algorithms in the retargeting campaigns. Here are some of the main approaches:
By age
Younger audience was shown ads with games, consoles, gadgets and other related products.

By gender
Women were shown cosmetics or goods for moms and children. Men were shown gender relevant products.
New ad formats
We showed videos of the most popular product-items for a particular segment.

More than 200 banners and video ads, dozens of approaches, were created and tested for the retargeting campaign. Retargeting campaign with Getloyal and MyTarget increased the number of new and repeat orders via OZON app.
Maxim Pogrebnyak
Mobile Marketing Manager
Due to segmentation and creative approaches, Getloyal has shown consistently positive results and an increase in ROI since the beginning of our cooperation.
CONTACTS / Let's work together
Medinat ha-Yehudim St 62,
Hertsliya, Israel