Delivery Club is the online food delivery service. The company is a part of Group. Today the service has over 4,500 connected restaurants and some hundreds of delivery services which includes its own Delivery Express. Since March, 2017 Delivery Club has generated 50,000 orders per day.

Use mobile retargeting to increase the frequency of food orders via Delivery Club app.
We ideintified target user audiencies and developed strategies to return them to the app:
Haven't made a single order
Motivate them to make their first order by showing current offers and discounts.
Only made one order
Use optimization techniques to increase the frequency of orders.
Placed items in the shopping basket but didn't order
Take them back to the basket to complete the order
Ordered in the past but stopped ordering
Encourage them to order again and use different approaches to make it a habit.
Order on a regular basis
Increase frequency of orders by reminding them of what's available and developing a habit
We used our own optimization algorithms in the retargeting campaigns. Here are some of the main approaches:
By gender
Women were shown lighter fare such as salads and appetizers, and men were shown hearty and filling meals like steaks, burgers, and pizza. This unique approach to showing creatives to users tripled the CTR.
By price
We showed prices for popular dishes and compared the cost of the same meals in different restaurants. This highlighted the overall value of orders and the wide assortment of dishes available.
By time
We showed ads during breakfest (from 7AM to 11AM), lunch (from 12 PM to 3 PM) and dinner (from 5 PM to 9 PM) to remind users that they can regularly order food from Delivery Club in everyday situations.

As a result of the mobile retargeting campaigns, Delivery Club received a large number of repeat orders at a lower price than it would have cost to attract new users.
Oleg Dorozhok
Head of Marketing, Delivery Club
Mobile retargeting is rather a new and an effective way to return users to the app. We see a lot of potential in it. At the moment we spend 5% of marketing expences on retargeting campaigns at best, although it should be 20%. Thank you Getloyal team for helping us to master this tool.
CONTACTS / Let's work together
Medinat ha-Yehudim St 62,
Hertsliya, Israel